Aktuelle Fragen 1Z0-821 Oracle it-pruefungen
Alle unsere Online-Training Werkzeuge sind mit den wechselnden Prüfungszielen verfügbar, so dass Sie sicher sein, immer für Ihre Business Solutions mit den neuesten und origninalsten Praxisprüfungen vorzubereiten und unsere Business Solutions kann aktualisiert werden und Sie bekommen Werkzeuge zu günstigen Preisen für Ihren eigenen Komfort.
1Z0-821 Oracle Solaris 11 System Administrator Vorbei an den Praxisprüfungen ist es keineswegs schon schneller und einfacher, jetzt mit spezifischen Fragen und Antworten, mit aus den chaotisch Business Solutions, die sein oft falsch kann. grenzenlose Prüfungen sind nicht nur die weniger kostspielige Methode, sondern um mit sich Rückgriff auf Praxisprüfung passieren.
Aktuelle Fragen 1Z0-821 Oracle it-pruefungen
The advantage of core tiles is that they allow you an opportunity to examine the cause of
problems, so that they can be resolved.
However, core files must be managed because they_____.
A. take up large amounts of disk space
B. make numerous entries into the /var/adm/wtmpx file
C. steal resources from the processor, slowing down system performance
D. fill up swap space; this will begin to slow the system due to swaps
E. fill up swap space; this will begin to slow the system due to paging
Answer: A
Explanation: Part of the job of cleaning up heavily loaded file systems involves locating and removing files that have not been used recently. You can locate unused files by using the ls or find commands.
Other ways to conserve disk space include emptying temporary directories such as the directories located in /var/tmp or /var/spool, and deleting core and crash dump files.
Note: Core files are generated when a process or application terminates abnormally. Core files are managed with the coreadm command.
For example, you can use the coreadm command to configure a system so that all process core files are placed in a single system directory. This means it is easier to track problems byexamining the core files in a specific directory whenever a process or daemon terminates abnormally.
Reference: Oracle Solaris Administration: Common Tasks, Finding and Removing Old or Inactive Files
The line
set noexec_user_stack= l
should be added to the /etc/system file to prevent an executable stack while executing user programs. What is the purpose of this?
A. help prevent core dumps on program errors
B. help programs to execute more quickly by keeping to their own memory space
C. log any messages into the stack log
D. help make buffer-overflow attacks more difficult
Answer: D
Explanation: How to Disable Programs From Using Executable Stacks
Purpose: Prevent executable stack from overflowing.
You must be in the root role.
Edit the /etc/system file, and add the following line:
set noexec_user_stack=1
Reboot the system.
# reboot
Reference: How to Disable Programs From Using Executable Stacks
User jack makes use of the bash shell; his home directory is/export/home/jack.
What is the correct setting of umask, and where should it be set, to allow jack to create a shell script using the vi editor, that is executable by default?
A. It is not possible to make a script executable without using the chmod command.
B. umask value of 0002 set in /etc/profile
C. umask value of 0002 set in /export/home/jack/.bashrc
D. umask value of 0722 set in /etc/profile
E. umask value of 0722 set In /export/home/jack/.bashrc
Answer: B
Aktuelle Fragen 1Z0-821 Oracle it-pruefungen